Heat of displacement (Calculation)

To determine the heat of displacement of copper from a copper (ll) sulphate solution by zinc.

Procedure :
1. Measure 25 cm3 0.2 mol dm-3 copper(ll) sulphate solution and pour into a polystyrene cup.
2. Put the thermometer into the copper(ll) sulphate solution. Record the initial temperature,
3. Add half a spatula of zinc powder (in excess) quickly into copper(ll) sulphate solution.
5. Stir the mixture with the thermometer and record the highest temperature achieved.

Result :
Initial temperature of copper(II) sulphate solution        =  30.0 0C
Highest temperature of the mixture                              =  40.0 0C
Calculate the heat of displacement of copper from a copper (ll) sulphate solution by zinc.
[ Specific heat capacity of solution : 4.2 J g-1 0C-1 . Density of solution : 1 g cm-3 ]

(Ans: - 210 kJ mol-1)

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